Executive Staff

Deputy Director of Utilities, Wastewater Division
Kyle Morgan  

Contact Executive Staff


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Preventing Sewage Spills

The responsibility of the Wastewater Division is to safely collect and treat wastewater, produce recycled water, protect our environment and safeguard community health. The Wastewater Division operates 24/7 365 days a year, responding as necessary, to ensure the clean, safe and efficient operation of the city.

The Wastewater Division operates the wastewater treatment facility at the Hale Avenue Resource Recovery Facility (HARRF), approximately 360 miles of pipelines and 11 pumping stations, which serves as the sanitary collection system for the community's domestic and industrial wastewater. In early 2019, an energy savings project was completed at the HARRF which uses biogas as fuel to generate electricity for the plant. The CoGen system generates enough energy to completely power the facility.  For more information regarding the HARRF, click here.

The Division consists of the following teams; environmental compliance, collections, operations and maintenance, and laboratory.

  • The Environmental Programs team performs commercial and industrial business inspections of pretreatment devices, preventing Fats, Oil, and Grease from entering the sewer system, as well as storm water pollution management practices.
  • The collections team operates, inspects and maintains the sewer collection system.
  • The operations and maintenance team operates and maintains the HARRF, which treats the community's domestic and industrial wastewater.
  • The laboratory team samples and tests the wastewater to verify the quality of the treatment plant processes.

The Wastewater Division needs every resident to be a part of the team ensuring our wastewater system stays healthy and unobstructed! The video's below describe how you, yes YOU, can be a hero to our wastewater system and help take care of it!

Popular Links

Here are some links that you may find helpful

Report Pollution

Water Conservation

Preventing Sewage Spills