City of Escondido’s Signal Synchronization
The goal of the signal synchronization is to improve traffic flow and minimize congestion along major roadways in the City.  It is estimated that signal coordination projects have saved our citizens over 300 vehicle-hours per day in reduced travel times. Other benefits include reduction in greenhouse gases and better compliance with the speed limit.  Major corridors within the city are prioritized for traffic signal retiming based on the amount of traffic, level of traffic congestion, and any known changes to traffic patterns due to new developments and land uses in the area. 

How Signal Synchronization Works
The traffic signal synchronization works by estimating the arrival time of a platoon of vehicles at successive intersections along the corridor based on a certain travel speed, typically below or at the speed limit of the roadway.  With the estimated arrival time of the vehicles from one intersection to the next, the signals can be programmed to give a green light to the arriving platoon of vehicles at each intersection along the corridor.  The amount of green time allocated to the main street and side street of an intersection generally would depend on the traffic volumes.  Longer green time is usually assigned to the main street because of the higher volume observed and to accommodate the anticipated amount of vehicles in the platoon.  Since traffic patterns change throughout the day, different sets of traffic signal timing plans are prepared and implemented to meet the needs of the varying traffic demand during the morning, midday, and evening peak hours. 

Do’s and Don’ts
Here are a few tips on getting the benefit while driving on a signal-coordinated roadway:

  • Drive just under the speed limit
  • Aim to stay in the platoon
  • Pay attention and don’t leave excessive gaps