What's Next:

With Project approval on November 15, 2017, the Applicant will be seeking out the application of different permits to begin grading and construction on the Property.  Please check back soon regarding the status of these different permits. 

Project/Study Overview:

The Villages - Escondido Country Club Project proposal consists of a General Plan Amendment to the Land Use Element, Zone Change, a Specific Plan, and Tentative Map for a 380 single-family dwelling unit development project.  The Project site in the northwest portion of the City of Escondido, along both sides of W. Country Club Lane west of Nutmeg Street, at 1800 W. Country Club Lane.

The proposed Project is located on a golf-course that is no longer in operation.  The existing land use map and zoning designation for the 109-acre site allows for single-family development, with a minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet.  A General Plan amendment and Zone change request has been made to create a Specific Plan for this area, which will bring together detailed policies and tailored regulations for a focused development proposal.  This includes innovative measures to preserve much of the open space system, while allowing "clustered" development of the property.  The new land uses proposed for the Villages Specific Plan Area include three single-family residential villages; an open space system; and a clubhouse area with recreational, social and farm amenities. 

How is the City Reviewing the Application:

Escondido plans and regulates the use of land to protect the public health, safety and general welfare of our community.  There are many ways to regulate and implement land use, such as through a general plan, zoning map and zoning code, along with the subdivision code and design review guidelines.  Existing area- or site-specific regulations may also be create for a property, including a Specific Plan. Because the use of land is regulated, the City must review all projects against this policy and regulatory framework before any buildings can be constructed.

To ensure that the site specific solutions are implemented for the Escondido Country Club site, new draft zoning standards and design guidelines were prepared in the form of a Specific Plan.  As proposed by the Project applicant, the Specific Plan consists of new zoning standards and design guidelines.  Zoning standards define the allowable uses and bulk or scale of development, while design guidelines address the appearance and quality of development. 

An Initial Study was prepared for the project in accordance with Section 15063 of the CEQA Guidelines.  Based on the results of the Initial Study, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared to address potential direct and cumulative impacts associated with air quality, aesthetics, biological resources, cultural resources/tribal resources, geology and soils, greenhouse gas emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology/water quality, land use and planning, noise, public services, transportation/traffic and utilities and services.  With this review complete, a Final EIR was prepared and presented to the decision-makers to review and consider, along with the Project proposal.   

What is Needed from the Public:

With the Project complete and approved by local decision-makers, we are seeking out ways to keep the community aware about how the Applicant is processing post-entitlement applications, such as a Final Map, Street Improvement Drawings, and building permits.  To learn more about the permit-review process, the current status of the Project, or to offer input, please contact Assistant Planning Director Mike Strong at mstrong@escondido.org or 760-839-4556. 

E-Newsletters and Project Handouts:

  1. E-Newsletter No. 1 - Project Website and Scoping Notification 
  2. E-Newsletter No. 2 - Scoping Meeting and NOP Summary
  3. E-Newsletter No. 3 - Tentative Map and Specific Plan Application Resubmittal 
  4. E-Newsletter No. 4 - EIR Process and Draft EIR Release 
  5. E-Newsletter No. 5 - EIR Informational Open House Meeting
  6. E-Newsletter No. 6 - DEIR Notice of Extended Public Review and Comment Period
  7. Draft EIR Summary Handout (posted August 10, 2017)
  8. E-Newsletter No. 8 - EIR Status Update and Planning Commission Hearing Announcement (posted October 5, 2017)
  9. E-Newsletter No. 9 - Planning Commission Recommendation and City Council Hearing Announcement (posted November 7, 2017)
  10. E-Newsletter No. 10 - Project Post Entitlement Activity

Staff Reports:

  1. October 24, 2017 - Planning Commission staff report
  2. November 15, 2017- City Council staff report

Project Progress:

There has been many discussions about building on the Escondido Country Club golf course over the past several years.  An application filed by New Urban West Inc. represents the latest effort to examine options to build residential development on the 110-acre property.  This portion of the Project website documents these latest efforts to keep all participants up to date on what is going on.  It highlights key milestones of the City's review process to keep stakeholders informed of key Project activities throughout the whole Project.

Where We Have Been:

  1. October 31, 2016: New Urban West Inc. (applicant) filed an application with the Planning Division
  2. November 30, 2016: The Planning Division issued a comment letter in response to their first submittal (Letter No. 1 with attachments).
  3. January 25, 2017: Notice of Preparation and Initial Study issued
  4. February 1, 2017: Contract amendment for Contract Planner services (full agenda link to the staff report)
  5. February 13, 2017: Scoping Meeting 
  6. February 24, 2017: Close of NOP comment period (NOP summary and other background information)
  7. March 16th, 2017: Applicant submitted 2nd Iteration Project submittal in response to November 30, 2016 comment letter: 3/16 2nd Iteration Submittal included:
    1. Response to Staff's Comments
    2. Tentative Map (March version - superseded)
    3. Specific Plan (March version - superseded)
  8. April 15, 2017: The Planning Division issued a comment letter in response to their second submittal (Letter No. 2 and attachments)
  9. June 27, 2017: City staff finalizes Draft EIR
  10. June 28, 2017: Notice of Availability to review the Draft EIR (45-day public review period) 
  11. July 31, 2017: Informational Open House to discuss EIR review process and collect comments (handout flyer and poster boards)
  12. August 8, 2017: Notice of Extended Public Comment Period issued
  13. August 18, 2017: End of Draft EIR public review and comment period
  14. October 4, 5, 6, and 9: Various announcements, legal advertisements, and postings of notice of PC October 24, 2017 meeting date (Hearing Notice)
  15. October 13, 2017: Final EIR, Draft EIR comments, and response to Draft EIR comments
  16. October 13, 2017: Updated Specific Plan published to Project website
  17. October 16, 2017: Updated Project materials published to Project website: Tentative Map and Specific Alignment Plan and other Improvements
  18. October 19, 2017Planning Commission agenda and staff report released
  19. October 24, 2017: Planning Commission decision to recommend approval to City Council with a 5-1 vote.
  20. November 3 and 4, 2017: Various announcements, legal advertisements, and postings of notice of CC November 15, 2017 meeting date (Hearing Notice)
  21. November 9, 2017: City Council staff report released (City Council staff report)
  22. November 15, 2017: City Council decision to approve Project with a 3-2 vote.
  23. September 3, 2019: Substantial Conformance Determination (map and site plan changes)
  24. September 4, 2019: Conditions Compliance Release Form approval for rough grading

What's Next:

With Project approval on November 15, 2017, the Applicant will be seeking out the application of different permits to begin grading and construction on the Property.  Please check back soon regarding the status of these different permits.  It is anticipated that