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The City of Escondido is committed to protecting our watersheds in compliance with environmental regulations. The storm drain system funnels runoff from developed areas and construction sites into our creeks, lakes, and oceans untreated.

All new and re-development projects and construction activities are required to comply with local, regional, and state storm water permits.  A project site is subject to regulation and inspection during all phases of development: planning, construction, and post-construction. The Environmental Programs Division works with Development Services to provide guidance about which Best Management Practices to select and implement to keep your site in compliance. 

Best Management Practices for Storm Water

Best Management Practices, known commonly as BMPs, are structural and non-structural actions needed to reduce pollution from paved surfaces. In an urbanized area like Escondido, storm water runoff is impacted by the behaviors and daily activities of the people living and working here. Even seemingly harmless materials such as sediment and irrigation runoff can harm the water quality of downstream creek habitats. The purpose of BMPs is to eliminate or reduce pollutants in our local waterways by controlling, treating, and reducing storm water flow.  

All projects are expected to prevent pollution by implementing relevant BMPs during site design, construction, and operation through the use of structural and source control BMPs. The types of BMPs will vary according to your project type. The type of BMPs to plan for and implement will vary according to your project type. To help you get started visit New and Re-development projects.

Construction activities in Escondido are subject to pollution prevention measures due to the occurrence of erosion and sedimentation of bare soil grounds. Storm water runoff from construction sites, if not properly contained, carries materials such as sediment, concrete and trash which harm water quality and violate local and state storm water regulations. To prevent uncontrolled storm water runoff, construction sites are required to prepare an erosion control plan (ECP) incorporating storm water Best Management Practices (BMPs); for sites larger than one acre, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required per the Construction General Permit.

The ECP and/or SWPPP shows a mixture of erosion and sediment control BMPs tailored to the conditions of the project. The ECP is reviewed by the City of Escondido and SWPPP is reviewed and approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. City Field Engineering and Environmental Programs Inspectors will visit your site regularly to ensure BMPs are implemented in accordance with the grading permit, to reduce polluted runoff.

Best Management Practices at a Construction Site:

Erosion Control Measures

Practices to prevent soil particles and construction debris from entering storm water. Common practices include: 

  • Erosion control BMPs (bonded fiber matrix with hydroseed, blankets, plastic sheeting, etc) to cover areas vulnerable to erosion. Finished slopes should be stabilized within 14 calendar days of last being worked.  All slopes need to be covered before a rainfall event.
  • Stabilized entrances wherever vehicles enter unpaved areas (for example at the entrance to a project if none of it is paved, or onto individual lots on developments where streets have already been paved).
  • Stockpiles need to be covered before forecast rain events or high wind and at the end of each working day.
  • Good housekeeping:
    • Portapotties need secondary containment.
    • Waste materials should be stored in covered dumpsters.
    • Trash and debris should not be stored on the ground.
    • Solid materials should be stored off the ground and covered.
    • Liquid materials should be stored under cover and in secondary containment.


Sediment Control Measures

Methods used to trap eroded sediment and prevent sediment from migrating off the site area. Common tools include:

  • All slopes need to be protected.
  • Perimeter control BMPs (silt fence, fiber roll, gravel bag berm etc.).
  • Inlet protection: Gravel bags and filter fabric placed around an inlet to filter runoff and prevent sediment and debris from flowing into the storm drain.
  • Silt fence: Installed to detain sediment laden water.
  • Fiber rolls: Placed along site contours of a sloped area.

Discharging Impound Storm Water into a Storm Drain

Construction sites that plan to discharge impounded storm water into a storm drain must comply with the City’s Municipal Code Chapter 22. Construction projects enrolled in the State Construction General Permit (CGP) are allowed to discharge as long as permit and City requirements are followed, including discharge monitoring and pollutant reduction measures.

This form is only applicable to construction sites covered under the Construction General Permit (CGP) and will generate an email to the City of Escondido Field Engineering Division. Submissions will be reviewed within 2 business days. In addition to the Pre-discharge form a Post discharge form will also need to be submitted. 

Pre-Discharge Form for Construction Sites (

Post-Discharge Form for Construction Sites (

Any construction site that disturbs more than one acre is also subject to additional pollution prevention measures as required by the Construction General Permit (2009-0009-DWQ Construction general permit). Projects subject to the CGP are required to submit a copy of their Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and obtain a Waste Discharge ID (WDID) from the Regional Water Quality Control Board.

Note that the Construction General Permit has several additional requirements which include, but are not limited to:

  • Maintenance of the SWPPP document and BMP map.
  • Different (or “additional”) BMP requirements depending on site risk level
  • Regular documented inspections, including inspections before, during, and after significant rain events detailed in the CGP.
  • Water sampling and laboratory analysis.
  • Submit an Annual Report.

City inspectors will check for enrollment in the Construction General Permit as part of assessing compliance with the City Storm Water requirements.

Helpful Links:

The Storm Water Permit issued by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) to the City of Escondido and its co-permittees requires that storm water best management practices (BMPs) be included in all new and re-development projects.  The type and intensity of a project determine which BMPs are required. The link below includes the Storm Water Design Manual and other resources to help design your project.  

New and re-development projects

In accordance to storm water policies, some properties are required to install structural BMP features. These permanent features are properly maintained for the duration of the project’s life. Periodic and annual inspections are conducted by the City to assess the operation and maintenance of the BMP. The Environmental Programs Division actively implements a Structural BMP Maintenance Certification Program by inspecting residential, commercial, and industrial properties. Visit the Structural Best Management Practices Maintenance page to learn about the inspection process.

Executive Staff

Environmental Program Manager
Juan Magdaraog

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BMPs for Construction Sites