City of Escondido


Water Quality Improvement Planning

In an effort to protect & enhance our creeks, the City of Escondido implements water quality improvement and runoff management programs in compliance with the Regional Water Quality Control Board’s Order No. R9-2017-0077 (the MS4 Permit).  The City has updated and enforces Chapter 22 of the Municipal Code in accordance with the MS4 Permit, implements a Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program, and collaborates with other jurisdictions to implement and update Water Quality Improvement Plans on a watershed basis.

Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program (JRMP) – The City has been implementing and updating Runoff Management Programs since municipal storm water requirements began in the early 2000’s. The JRMP, approved by council on May 6, 2015 and submitted to the RWQCB, is an update to previous plans incorporating new requirements of the MS4 Permit. The City’s Environmental Programs Division works with a number of City Departments to manage programs to detect and eliminate non-storm water discharges and reduce sources of pollutants in storm water runoff. Programs include: Construction Site Operations, Development Planning, Industrial and Commercial Facilities, Municipal infrastructure and facility inspection and maintenance, Residential areas, and Education and Public Participation.

    • Appendix A
    • Appendix B
    • Appendix C
    • Geographic Information Systems Data and Layers (zip file) - (Data presented reflect geographic information available at the time of map creation. Data in the files provided may have been modified since that time. This geographic data should be used for general information purposes only. The dimensions and alignments of boundaries of mapping units in these files are approximations, and should not be considered authoritative or sufficient for determining the location or extent of the subject mapped features.)


Water Quality Improvement Plans (WQIPs) – WQIPs were developed for each of the City’s urbanized watersheds through coordination with other cities and a public consultation panel including stakeholders from the business, environmental, and regulatory communities.   WQIPs describe activities and projects that will be implemented to improve water quality and how we will measure improvement.  The Plans can be adapted as we learn more about what works in improving water quality.

The WQIPs and associated notifications, updates, and opportunities for public comment, will be posted on Project Clean Water, a regional clearinghouse for water quality information.  The City of Escondido is party to the WQIPs developed for Carlsbad and San Dieguito Watershed Management Areas.