The Purchasing Division assists City departments in procuring goods and services necessary to perform their daily operations at the most economical cost ensuring compliance with procurement standards.  The professional staff of the Purchasing Division acts as a liaison between the departments, vendors, and contractors.  The responsibilities of the Purchasing Division are carried out in accordance with the legal requirements established in the Escondido Municipal Code and by all other laws as may be applicable.

Bid documents and specifications are located on the website to review and print.  If you wish to be added to the City's bidders' list, please visit the Bidders' List Online Self-Service Page and fill out the requested information.

For convenience, the City uses a third-party website, for soliciting public construction project proposals and bids.

Bid Results



Division Contacts

Public Service Agreements and Requests for Bids

760-839-4580 / Fax: 760-745-3517

Contact Executive Staff

Your Comment Matters.

If you have received extra special serĀ­vice, this is a good way for you to tell us about it. If you have comments on problem areas, or suggestions for improvements, we want to hear about them. This will help us to improve our service to you.

Your Comment Matters