Mayflower Dog Park3420 Valley Center Road
Escondido, CA 92027
Open from dawn to 9 p.m.

The park is a fenced, off-leash, 1½-acre area where you and your dog can go to socialize with others—humans and hounds alike! Grab your dog, its favorite leash, and come enjoy this new community asset.

For more information, contact Community Services.

Basic Etiquette

These are a few basic rules of etiquette to ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone at the Dog Park, hounds and humans alike!

The City does not allow rental permits for exclusive use of the park (i.e., dog shows, etc.)

  • Clean up after your dog! This ensures a clean environment within the park.
  • If your dog becomes unruly or plays too rough, leash him and leave immediately.
  • Don't smoke or eat while at the Dog Park. Cigarette butts and food wrappers are tempting treats for dogs but bad for their health and safety.
  • Never leave your dog unattended; accidents and mischief can happen quickly.
  • Don't permit your dog to dig or destroy park resources.
  • Never allow your dog to chase children or others.
  • Please supervise children closely.

Rules & Regulations

These rules must be read prior to entering this park.

  • Park users and dog owners assume all risk related to park use.
  • Enter at own risk. By entering this park, you agree to assume all duties and releases of liability as set forth in the City's Waiver & Release of Liability (see below).
  • Owners must remain with dogs and carry a leash within fenced area.
  • Owners must clean up after their dogs.
  • Dogs must be licensed and vaccinated.
  • Dogs exhibiting dangerous behavior are prohibited.
  • Dogs must be wearing a collar with identification at all times.
  • Puppies under four months of age are prohibited.
  • Dogs in heat are prohibited.
  • Limit three dogs per person per visit.
  • An adult must closely supervise children.
  • Dogs must be leashed prior to entering and upon leaving the park.
  • See bulletin board for complete rules.

Waiver & Release of Liability

By entering this park I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Escondido ("City") and its officers, agents, and employees from any and all lawsuits, damages, claims, judgments, loss, liability, or expenses arising out of 1) any death or personal injuries or property damage which I may sustain or which I or my animal may cause while I am using this park or any equipment owned by or under the control of the City, or while participating in any activity sponsored by the City, or 2) any death or injury which results or increases by any action taken to medically treat me. The terms above shall apply whether or not the alleged injury is also caused by or arises out of any dangerous condition of property, or the alleged negligence or any acts or omissions of the City, or its officers, agents, or employees.

I also understand that the City does not carry insurance to cover users of this park. I understand there are risks associated with this park, and I assume the risk of any injuries that my animal or I may sustain at this park