City Hall, First Floor
201 North Broadway
Escondido, CA 92025

Phone: 760-839-4651
Fax: 760-839-4597
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

The Design/CIP Division designs and administers the City's Capital Improvement Program to improve the City's infrastructure and public facilities. Projects include a wide range of disciplines, including Parks, Facilities, Drainage and Streets projects.  In addition, this Division prepares bid documents for the Annual Street Maintenance Project that includes pavement rehabilitation, sidewalk repairs and striping alignment revisions, including the addition of new bike lanes.  The Division is responsible for planning, designing and receiving construction bids for each project. Information on key projects can be found below. Current projects out to bid may be found on BidNet Direct (for assistance registering, please call 800-835-4603, option#2, or email

If you would like to report a maintenance related concern, please use the Report-it link.

Related Links:

Key Projects:



Management Staff

Principal Engineer
Jonathan Schauble

Contact Executive Staff

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