CompostingComposting is the decomposition of organic material such as leaves, twigs, grass clippings, and food scraps. Composting helps to keep organic material out of our landfills and turns that material into a useful product.

Compost is the soil product that results from composting. It is great for gardens and landscaping and can save you money by not having to buy soil conditioners and fertilizer.

CompostingComposting Can Be Easy!

Composting can be practiced in most backyards in a homemade or manufactured composting bin. Instructions for making your own backyard composting bin and vermicomposting (worm!) bin are available by attending a FREE workshop at the Escondido Community Garden located at Centre City Parkway and Decatur Way.

The City of Escondido offers a basic bin for sale at cost. Call 760-839-4342 for information and pricing.

Temperature & Time

Compost piles with the right blend of greens and browns that are kept moist will heat up to a temperature of 120°F–160°F. This high temperature will kill most weed seeds and produce compost in two months. Compost piles that aren't maintained as well will also create useable compost, but it will take much longer.

CompostingWhen Is It Done?

Your compost is finished when the original material has been transformed into a uniform, dark brown, and crumbly product with an earthy aroma.

Give It A Try!

Attend a FREE workshop.

Recipe for Composting

  • Greens (1/3 to 1/2 of pile): Grass  clippings, green leaves, yard trimmings, and vegetable and fruit scraps
  • Browns (1/2 to 2/3 of pile): Dried grass, dried leaves, twigs, straw,  sawdust, wood chips, and shredded paper or cardboard
  • Water: Your compost pile should be as damp as a wrung-out sponge.
  • Air: Add air to your compost pile by turning it with a pitchfork weekly.

A compost pile should be at least 3' x 3' x 3' (one cubic yard). Stop adding material to your compost pile after it gets to optimal size and start a new pile so that your first pile can finish decomposing.